Instagram Dos and Don’ts: Strategies for Success in a Crowded Space

Nikita Tandon
4 min readMar 6, 2024

Growing your business on Instagram is a marathon and not a sprint. So there are no quick tactics that can help you achieve your goals. But if you actually want results, there are some guidelines that can help you navigate this ever-changing platform.

In this article, I will share some things that you should do and some you shouldn’t to win the Instagram marathon.


  1. Be Authentic

The audience catches on fast if you are being fake or pretentious on your Instagram account. Be authentic with your brand. If you are a small business owner, show up on the feed occasionally, so your audience knows the face behind the business. Also, don’t try to copy your competitors. Stick to your brand personality. It will help you stand out in the market and build a connection with your audience.

2. Engage with your Audience

Talk to your audience. I cannot emphasise this enough. Social media is inherently social. Reply to your comments, interact with your audience on DMs, ask them questions, and answer their queries. Don’t ignore them when they mention you in their posts and stories. Join in on their conversations on other pages if it relates to your niche. By staying in touch with your audience, you will build a sense of community and loyalty that will go beyond any metrics.

3. Be Consistent

Establish a posting schedule that works for you, and stick to it. Whether it is once a day or once a week, be regular with your content. It will help you stay on top of your audience’s mind, and they will look forward to your content. Consistent posting also signals to the Instagram algorithm that you’re an active user, potentially boosting your visibility and reach. If you create a content calendar at the start of the month, you will increase your chances of sticking to that schedule.

4. Do Regular Audits

Regularly evaluate your Instagram profile and content to make sure that it is aligned with your goals and resonates with your target audience. Once every quarter, re-look at your Instagram bio, links, visual branding, and content buckets to ensure that it is clear, consistent, and helpful to your audience and potential customers.

5. Collaborate

Co-create content with your customers, audience, and influencers in your niche. This is a powerful way to expand your reach and connect with new audiences. Collaborations inject diversity into your content and introduce you to new followers.

6. Have consistent visual branding

Consistency is not limited to your posting schedule. It also expands to your visual branding. This includes using consistent colours, fonts, and filters across your posts to create a recognizable and cohesive aesthetic. This helps build brand recognition and also makes your feed look visually appealing.

7. Repurpose your Content

Only a fraction of your audience sees your content the first time you post it, so don’t let it go to waste! Maximise the potential of your content by re-hashing and posting it again. Repetition also reinforces your story and beliefs.


  1. Ignore Comments or DMs

Do not ignore the audience’s comments on your post or their DMs. Respond thoughtfully to them and appreciate them for reaching out to you. Take every interaction as an opportunity to build a deeper connection with your audience and strengthen your community.

2. Spam your Audience

Always go for quality over quantity. Avoid bombarding your audience with excessive or repetitive content. Curate your content calendar with intention and only share content that resonates with your audience and is aligned with your goals. Respect the time and attention of those who engage with your content. This way, the audience will take you seriously and won’t get bored of you.

3. Obsess about the Numbers

While metrics like followers, likes, and comments are important, don’t let them dictate your worth. Avoid getting caught up in vanity metrics and instead focus on creating quality content, building genuine relationships, and achieving your broader goals. If you are delivering products/services that actually help your customers or giving them some value with your content in exchange for their time and attention, you are winning the Instagram game.

4. Compromise on the Quality of Content

Instagram is a visual platform. So you do not have the liberty to compromise on the quality of your content. Create visually appealing well-crafted, purposeful content to stand out and look professional. High-quality content will ensure that your audience takes you seriously and builds trust with them. Invest in photography, videography, and copywriting if you can to ensure that you deliver only the best content.

5. Lose Sight of Your Goals

It’s easy to get caught up in the daily maintenance of your Instagram account. Go back and re-focus on your brand goals from time to time to make sure your efforts are aligned with them. Don’t get distracted with trends and vanity metrics, and keep your attention on providing value to your target customers, and selling your product/service.

6. Jump on every new Trend

While going with trending audio, filters, transitions, and memes does help with reach, it is not wise to hop on to everything that goes viral if it does not align with your goals or resonate with your audience. Focus on staying true to your brand identity and values, and only create purposeful quality content.

7. Over-Sell

Instagram is a social platform, not a marketplace. It was always intended to connect, and not sell. Though it has now developed into an amazing platform for businesses, it is not advisable to just promote your products. services on your profile. Follow the 80/20 rule, and keep the posts that sell to a minimum. Focus on providing value to your audience and potential customers, and build relationships with them. Instagram is the platform where you can foster a sense of community and belonging with your audience.

Wrapping up, I’ll just say that keep at it and don’t give up. Instagram is a powerful platform for small businesses to grow and sell. As long as you stay true to yourself and honest with your audience, you can and will win and enjoy the fruits of all your efforts.

