The Ultimate Guide to the 4 Content Formats on Instagram (+ Tips for 3 Under Utilised Formats) — Part 2

Nikita Tandon
4 min readMar 24, 2024

Welcome to Part 2 of the Ultimate Instagram Content Formats Guide!

Are you ready for the BONUS Instagram Formats that with help you ace your Instagram Content Strategy?

Let’s dive in:

5. Live: The Format to Meet Your Audience

Going live on Instagram offers a real-time, unfiltered connection with your audience. Whether hosting Q&A sessions, conducting interviews, or sharing live performances, live video enables immediate interaction and engagement.


  1. Plan ahead: Prepare an outline or script to ensure a smooth flow during your live broadcast, but remain flexible to accommodate spontaneous interactions and audience feedback.
  2. Interact with your audience: Respond to comments, address questions, and acknowledge viewers by name to make them feel valued and engaged.
  3. Promote your live session: Build anticipation by teasing your upcoming live broadcast in advance and sharing the schedule with your audience.

Content Ideas:

  • Q&A sessions where you address common questions or provide expert advice.
  • Live tutorials demonstrating skills, techniques, or how-to guides.
  • Behind-the-scenes tours of your workspace, studio, or creative process.
  • Interviews with industry experts, collaborators, or influencers.
  • Product launches, announcements, or exclusive sneak peeks shared in real-time.

6. Highlights: The Format that Immortalises Stories

Story Highlights allow users to curate and showcase their favorite Stories on their profile indefinitely. This feature is ideal for preserving important moments, organizing content by theme, or providing quick access to key information.


  1. Organize your highlights: Create themed highlight categories to categorize and organize your archived Stories, making it easier for viewers to find content relevant to their interests.
  2. Update regularly: Refresh your highlights with new content to keep them relevant and showcase the latest updates or highlights from your profile.
  3. Use cover images: Choose visually appealing cover images for each highlight to grab attention and convey the theme or topic at a glance.

Size guide:

  • Cover image: 1080 x 1920 pixels for optimal resolution
  • Aspect ratio: 9:16 for full-screen display

Content Ideas:

  • Product highlights featuring best-sellers, customer favorites, or new arrivals.
  • Travel highlights showcasing memorable moments from different destinations.
  • Behind-the-scenes highlights offering insights into your creative process or workflow.
  • Tutorial highlights compiling step-by-step guides or instructional content.
  • Event highlights capturing highlights from live events, workshops, or conferences.

7. DMs: The Chat Format

Thanks to direct messages, you can directly chat with your audience, customers, collaborators and influencers. It is the best way to care for and service your audience/customer/business partner on social media.

How you respond on your direct messages reflects your brand values, and shows how much you care for your customers. It is the one feature on Instagram that can make or break your brand image.


  1. Personalize your messages: Address recipients by name and tailor your messages to their interests or previous interactions to make them feel valued and appreciated.
  2. Be responsive: Monitor your DMs regularly and respond promptly to inquiries, feedback, or messages from followers to maintain open communication and build rapport.
  3. Use multimedia: Enhance your DMs with photos, videos, or voice messages to convey emotions, share updates, or provide visual context.

Content Ideas:

  • Customer support inquiries addressing product-related questions, issues, or concerns.
  • Collaboration proposals reaching out to potential partners, influencers, or collaborators.
  • Feedback requests soliciting input or suggestions from followers to improve your content or products.
  • Exclusive offers or promotions shared with select recipients as a token of appreciation or loyalty reward.

Use Instagram Live, Highlights and Direct Messages effectively, and your content strategy will be no less than those of big brands!


Here’s a recap of what we’ve learned so far about Instagram Formats.

Part1: The 4 Main Instagram Formats to Master:

  1. Static Posts: Create eye-catching visuals and captions, and don’t forget those hashtags! Share content like infographics, quotes, and promotions to keep your audience engaged.
  2. Carousel Posts: Tell a story with multiple images or videos. Show before-and-after transformations or step-by-step guides to keep your audience swiping.
  3. Reels: Keep it short, snappy, and fun! Use reels to show off your personality and creativity with quick tutorials or behind-the-scenes clips.
  4. Stories: Get interactive! Use polls, questions, and behind-the-scenes footage to connect with your audience daily.

Part 2: Bonus Instagram Formats to level up your Instagram Game:

  1. Live: Go live to chat directly with your audience. Whether it’s a Q&A session or a behind-the-scenes tour, make it engaging and fun!
  2. Highlights: Keep your best stories alive with highlights. Organize them with cool cover images and share your favorite moments with your audience.
  3. DMs: Slide into those DMs! Use direct messages to build relationships with your audience, answer questions, and even collaborate with other creators.

